After you Sign Up

So you are probably wondering where to start. Don’t worry, we got you covered with our guides.

For Hellihub to do its magic, you will need to do the following:

1. Connect your store #

Connect your Magento store by following the How to Connect your Magento Store guide.


Connect your Shopify store by following the How to Connect your Shopify Store guide.

2. Connect you Google Ads Account #

Connect your Google Ads account by following the How to Connect your Google Ads account guide.

3. Provide Product Costs #

Provide your product costs via any of the ways described in this Product Costs guide.

4. Provide Business Expenses & Costs #

Business Expenses can be set in the Expenses section of the application. These guides can be of help:

Payment Processing Costs

Shipping Costs

Order Costs

Business Costs

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