Google Feed

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How does this work? #

You need to have a rudimentary knowledge of Google’s custom labels and Google Merchant Center supplemental feeds.

If you do not know what these are then do some reading up here.

Google gives you 5 custom labels (0 to 4) to use when you want to subdivide the products in your campaign using values of your choosing. For example, you can use custom labels to indicate that products are seasonal, on clearance, best sellers, etc

Hellihub makes use of one of these labels to help you subdivide your products in separate campaigns in your Shopping Ads

Hellihub will only use 1 of these labels and fill it in for every product based on its performance, using any one of the following possible values:

  • loser
  • neutral
  • low profit
  • winner
  • champion

Example: Let’s say you tell hellihub to use Custom Label 0. You can then create a rule in your Google Shopping campaign to exclude all products whose Custom Label 0 matches the value “loser”. In addition, you can create a different campaign with an extremely high ROAS target and tell Google to only include products with Custom Label 0 that matches the same value i.e. “loser”, hence telling Google to not bother losing you money advertising these unless it can meet a very high target.

IMPORTANT: Before selecting the custom label you would like hellihub to use (0 to 4), make absolutely sure you are not using the same label number for another purpose or application. If unsure, consult your marketing agency first!

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