Shipping Costs

Store Method #

When we import your orders, we also import your store’s shipping method ID. This is not always a human-friendly series of words and you may need to do some digging to recognise it for what it is.

For example, a Magento store that uses Amasty’s Table Rates extension, will return a shipping method called “amstrates_amstrates1” instead of something instantly recognisable, such as “Standard Delivery” or “Next Day”. Whatever the name may be, you will need to create an entry on Hellihub and map it to the corresponding method whose costs you need to define.

Remember, these are the courier costs for you and not what you charge your customers. Hellihub needs this in order to perform its calculations in an accurate way. When you charge a customer £2.99 for delivery, we need to know it cost you £2 to ship.

Shipping Title #

As per above, a store’s shipping method may not always have a human-friendly name. For your convenience. we offer the ability to rename it into something that makes sense to you.

Weight Range #

Set the “from” and “to” range” values e.g. “from 1 to 2000” means a parcel weighing anything between 1 gram and 2 kilograms.

Country #

Select the country code as it has been imported from your store e.g. GB stands for United Kingdom and give it a full name for your reference.

Cost #

Usually, each method can be broken down to include various levels of cost based on location and weight. “Standard Delivery” for a 2kg parcel shipping in the UK will not cost the same to send out as a parcel weighing 5kg destined for France.

Extra Cost #

This field represents the cost of packaging for this particular weight band and destination. A parcel weighing 20g will probably have to go in a £0.10 box whereas a 20kg parcel will probably require a £2 box. Tape is also a factor, with the former parcel requiring very little and the latter significantly more.

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